What is Shorts Day?
SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY sparkes thousands of powerful conversations in schools, sporting clubs and workplaces, but we wanted to go bigger.
We worked to find an innovative and impactful way to bring our community together. To spark and prioritise more conversations about mental health. To stand unified in breaking down the stigma surrounding mental health and suicide. So we created a day!
We understand talking about mental health can sometimes be uncomfortable. So, on the shortest day of the year we come together to brave the cold… and brave the conversation for SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY’s annual Shorts Day!
The community can get involved by wearing shorts to work or school or by hosting a fundraiser or event. Every dollar raised will help Stay ChatTY spark mental health conversations in our community.
visit www.shortsday.com.au to register now!
Shorts Day
T H A N K Y O U!!!
… to everyone who braved the cold… and braved the conversation with us on Stay ChatTY’s Shorts Day!
To the thousands of people around the state, the country, who wore shorts, wore shorts badges, who held fundraisers, who braved conversations and supported their community – we say THANK YOU! We are beyond grateful for all the support. Together we are normalising the conversation and prioritising positive mental health!
We are super excited for what Shorts Day next year will bring.