Expand your knowledge and be inspired to action after hearing Mitch’s story of losing his brother to suicide.
Mitch founded SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY after his younger brother Ty took his own life in 2013.
In 2014 Mitch partnered SPEAK UP! Stay ChatTY with Relationships Australia Tasmania to help increase awareness and remove the stigma surrounding mental health.
Mitch, the 2017 Tasmanian Young Australian of the Year, is passionate about suicide prevention and shares his lived experience throughout Australia to help spread the message that nothing is so bad that you can’t talk about it.
If you would like Mitch to visit your workplace, community group, school or sporting club across Australia, please fill out the above presentation request form and send it back staychatty@reltas.com.au , or contact him directly at admin@mitchmcpherson.com.au
We acknowledge that the subject of suicide may be difficult for many people. Mitch delivers his personal story with sensitivity, and in alignment with existing best practice guidelines for safe language.