We love hearing about the positive ripple effect that people in our community have when they take inspired action. Ben Hirst recently completed his third massive annual effort for Stay ChatTY and had many people join him during his seven day mission to run Laps for Lads.
Jed Matthews (pictured) was one of those people that came along to support Ben during that time. For Jed, seeing Ben taking action to raise awareness for positive mental health & suicide awareness really moved him. Off the back of supporting Ben, Jed has decided to take massive action himself!
Just before Christmas 2019, Jed will be running from Launceston to Hobart to raise much-needed awareness for positive mental health & suicide awareness and Stay ChatTY are privileged to be the recipients of all funds raised. Of course we cannot continue what we do without the ongoing donations, nevertheless, an exciting aspect of this run for us is to see the ripple effect created by one person’s decision backed by action.
Best of luck Jed for the two day run to Hobart! We know this will take a lot of physical and mental resilience – we are excited to see you arriving into Hobart on 22 December 2019.